
KnotesCentral is an open-source platform dedicated to providing comprehensive course materials and resources for students. Our mission is to make academic resources easily accessible and organized, helping students excel in their studies.

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This project was made possible by the efforts of the following individuals who generously shared their department notes and contributed to helping fellow classmates and beyond.


Name Dept Year
S Prajwall Narayana CSE 2021-2025
Krishnatejaswi S CSE 2021-2025


Name Dept Year
Arpitha R S BT 2020-2024
Harish Narayan CH 2020-2024
Jagadeesh AS 2021-2025
Shard PM CV 2021-2025
Shruthishree CH 2021-2025
H P Manoj CSE 2021-2025
Joshua Elias Alva CSE 2021-2025
Aditya Joshi ECE 2021-2025
Shrinidhi Udupa ECE 2021-2025
Vijay Kiran ECE 2021-2025
Mukul K ME 2021-2025
Vardhan IEM 2021-2025
Dhruv EIE 2022-2026
Sushas ETE 2022-2026
Shreesha EIE 2022-2026
Afnan ETE 2022-2026
Megha CH 2022-2026
Hemanth CSE 2022-2026

List of Contributors: Contributors

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